We shipped using AUSPOST, USP, DHL, COURIE SERVICES. EXPRESS delivery for all orders and for international orders we use other shipping services. Standard shipping takes  1-3 business days before the package arrives, while express shipping is same day delivery. If your request referring to the order to be placed with us, please show the order number.

We will be happy to answer questions and help you return them. If you need assistance, please fill out the form.

Phone: +61  991 35

Free standard shipping
on all orders Above 100

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for over 24h

Address: Australia Store: 100 Havelock Street, Perth WA 6005

Address: Canada Store: 369 Tyee Rd #507, Victoria, BC V9A 0B6

Address: Mexico: Sección, Miguel Hidalgo, 11560, Ciudad de México.

Address: United State: 913 Wyandotte St, Kansas City, MO 64105, United States

  • Call Us: (064) 332-1233
  • Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Monday - Friday

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